Example Goals for Inclusion
Cricket Australia has been a close partner of Sport Inclusion Australia for many years, and has been a major contributor to the NSIA during the past 18 months. Cricket Australia has recently signed its NSIA membership agreement, and is recognised by the NSIA as one of the leaders in embedding inclusion in sport. The following goals for inclusion will be addressed through this membership:
(1) Develop and deliver the A Sport For All resource and training program
(2) Coordinate and deliver a successful National Disability Cricket Championships
(3) Embed Cricket in the School Curriculum with a focus on signing 100 Special Needs Schools and School Ambassadors within to deliver the MILO in2CRICKET Skills Program.
(4) Work with State and Territories to deliver entry level, Modified and Club Cricket Programs that are inclusive of people with an intellectual disability, such as the Western Australian Cricket Association Integrated Cricket League.
Motorsport Australia (MA) signed its membership agreement in May 2015, and has identified the following goals for inclusion to be addressed with the support of the National Sport Inclusion Alliance:
(1) MA to better understand the values and principles of inclusion
(2) MA strategic plan to reflect inclusion of all individuals
(3) MA to increase knowledge and understanding of inclusion in sport
(4) MA to promote and increase diversity amongst its membership
(5) MA to adapt or renew its policies to reflect support of inclusion and diversity in motor sport
1. Increased participation (more players).
(a) Through Tennis in schools/National schools partnership program.
(b) More program opportunities.
(c) Coach education.
2. Partnering with clubs and external organisations to deliver activations (more engagement from the community).
(a) Club and community awareness (inclusive environment).
(b) Communication.
3. Increase opportunity for identified talent (more champions).
(a) Increased competitive opportunities (National and International).
(b) Project talent.
(c) Integration in to national academies for all areas of inclusion.
1) Imbed priorities for inclusion in strategic plan and operational plans where appropriate.
2) Establish the national Inclusive Swimming Framework (ISF) and self-assessment tool in Partnership with Play by the Rules.
3) Develop resources and case studies to promote inclusive best practice in swimming.
4) In partnership with NSIA and NSIA members advocate for increased investment in inclusion activity.
1) Access and opportunities:
a – Complete an access audit of all affiliated clubs and associations Australia wide.
b – Identify clubs and/or clusters of clubs who have both good and poor access opportunities for inclusion and increase their capacity and capability.
2) Choice: Improve opportunities for people with disabilities to take on leadership roles within clubs. EG. coaching, officiating,
committee roles.
3) Partnerships: With a primary focus on early intervention, work with multiple organisations including AASC, disability organisations, APC and NSIA to establish meaningful partnerships in order to provide pathways into the sport and targeted clubs.
4) Communication: Develop a communication strategy which is relevant and engaging to our target audience in order to promote our sport.