Sport Inclusion Australia has announced Ms Helen Croxford as their third President following the recent election. “It’s an honour and privilege to work with the members on the Sport Inclusion Australia Board over the past 3 years, I would like to thank Wayne Bird for his outstanding leadership and thank the Board for putting their faith in me as President.” Croxford said.
The first meeting following the Annual General Meeting in November 2018, the Board elect their President and Finance Director from within the existing Board Directors. Sitting President Wayne Bird had announced that he would not be standing for re-election after 7 years in the position and nominated Croxford to take over the reigns of the organisation.
Bird was the second President of the organisation following the retirement of founder Marie T Little OAM in 2011. During his time as President Bird has seen many changes within the organisation, least of which was a change of name from AUSRAPID to Sport Inclusion Australia. “People often asked what AUSRAPID stood for, we worked hard to come up with a name which better represented who we were and what we did.” Bird said.
Bird also spent time on the International Organisation INAS as the Oceania delegate for 5 years.
With increased work commitments, Bird decided it was time for someone else to take on the role and was very pleased to have a candidate of the quality of Croxford within the existing Board.
Croxford has been a member of the Sport Inclusion Australia board for the past 3 years and also sits on the Global Games Sports Company Board. With over 25 years experience in senior management roles with local government in the leisure, facilities planning, aged care, youth and children and disability services, Croxford is well experienced for the role.

The 1997 winner of the Frank Stewart Distinguished Service Award, Croxford also volunteers at Cabrini Hospital and Beyond Blue. With her wealth of experience working in local government, and the disability sector it is safe to say that Sport Inclusion Australia is in good hands.
Rob Peak was re-elected as the Finance Director, with Ms Jaquie Scammell appointed to the vacant Board position, following the retirement of Allan Clarke.
Scammell comes from a Customer service background where she had previously crossed paths with Sport Inclusion Australia during her time as Customer Relations Manager at Tennis Australia and the Australian Tennis Championships.
Scammell now runs her own business where she is focussed on helping organisations develop a service mindset and culture.
Croxford takes over at a busy time for Sport Inclusion Australia with the 2019 INAS Global Games in Brisbane just over 8 months away. “While the Games are being run by the Global Games Sports Company, Sport Inclusion Australia is very closely engaged and focussed on using this event to maximise exposure for athletes with an intellectual impairment within the Australian community and Government Agencies, as well as coordinating the largest team Australia has sent to the Games.” Croxford said

Helen Croxford (President Sport Inclusion Australia) 0419 327 837
Robyn Smith (CEO Sport Inclusion Australia and Global Games Sports Company) 0418 979 459